. >> and after patrick, dennis mckency. >> my name is pat and i live a block and a half from the proposed site and i am very much in support of the warriors coming to the neighborhood and one of the things that i have learned over time is that there is a support base for this that is extremely large and extremely diverse. and i was in the room the other day with a bunch of folks who were in favor and advocating for this project on our water front and the diversity is impressive and incredible. and also, when you think about it is over seven acres of open space on the bay, the whole purpose of how we evaluate of who goes on the bay is how do we get the people to engage in the bay and i think that this is a responsible manner and we will have an opportunity, while, there will be certain inconveniences in my neighborhood, they are far out weighed by the ability to bring so many people to have such an experience on our bay front, that will not be had otherwise, and we see that almost every single day right now with nothing going on on that sight, except for the toxic waste on the bay. >> also