and dennis mullenberg is the one who was at the helm. at the very end of development and he had the opportunity to dig into the ground truth of what happened after the first crash. okay. does boeing of something to learn from airbus at this point given the problems with the max and the newly the new dreamliner manufacturing issues? airbus has has had a their chief pilot has always had a lot of class within the organization. i think boeing does have some some things to learn from airbus one. one thing that i learned in reporting the book is that there's a stereotype that europe with its strict labor regulations is at a disadvantage to boeing that became an advantage in some ways to boeing because it had to train its workforce. it had to rely on a highly skilled workforce. so one difference i guess this is also an airbus related question. what role did the competitive landscape play in the failures that led to the engineering problems with the max? i think boeing has. sad that you know, the the many effort cost cutting was because of the s