[dennis schulman the ma effects of the drug are significt, but like eve drug, whether talk about aspirin or antihypertensive medication, drugs have side effes. the side effects in the case of the antipsyotic medication typically are the dryness of the mth, the stiffening of the muscles, the tremors of the hands and the legs, and the wot one by far is a conditi calledtardivdy. and the legs, what tardive dyskinesia is is disfiguring dturbance of motor control, rticularly in the face winvsmacking othe lips, chewing that goeon-- and somes people misinterpret tse symoms as part of the schizophrenia when in fact it's a by-product of the drugs that we the treatment for schizophrenia. the horrible problem about taive dyskines is that people can develop it even if they're no longer on the drug, and there no way to reverse it. the main effect of t drug, the thing the drug does do, is that in many cases it normalizes the person overt behavior. anit increases their ability theito communite.cess but again, i cannot emphasize enough that drugs do not cure schizophrenia. ey treat theom that make it pos