increased at least about the future increased at least twofold here is what dennis volkov twofold here is what dennis volkov twofold here is what dennis volkov director of the levada center wrote director of the levada center wrote director of the levada center wrote about how russians felt at the end of about how russians felt at the end of about how russians felt at the end of september september september there's not been such a dramatic there's not been such a dramatic there's not been such a dramatic unilateral decline in sentiment in three unilateral decline in sentiment in three unilateral decline in sentiment in three decades of continuous sociological decades of continuous sociological decades of continuous sociological observation not through the economic observation not through the economic observation not through the economic crisis of recent years nor the unpopular crisis of recent years nor the unpopular crisis of recent years nor the unpopular pension reform nor recent military pension reform nor recent military pension reform nor recent military losses none of them have had a losses none of them have had a losses none of them have had a comparable