mitsubishi ufj financial group and dentsu group are among some of the companies reporting has made it her mission to tackle gender inequality in japanese politics and finance. joining us now is ray murakami. we know japan doesn't necessarily have the best track record when it comes to gender equality, but finance and politics are two sectors that have been difficult for women to crack into, not only in japan. tell us about the state of things there. >> thank you for having me. i think japan, in comparison to other western developed countries, we do have a very low rate of women participation. especially in politics, we only have 10% of women in the lower house. i felt the need to increase and support women in politics throughout my job. our foundation supports nonprofit organizations working in the field of child poverty, working women, and education. throughout my work, it made me realize a lot of the social issues that we in our nonprofit organization that we support our tackling social issues, but these social issues exist in japan because of the lack of diversity in