according to remarks made by federal reserve chairman denver naki. in the short run, government interventions may have stabilized the market, but i fear that these repeated multibillion-dollar taxpayer bailout are weakening our financial system and now threaten our economic future. combined with the current administrations borrow and spend fiscal policy, many have come to believe, including myself, that the vast expansion of the fed's balance sheet is in itself becoming a system at risk to our national economy far greater than the failure of any private financial institution. and also i think fundamentally affects our ability to borrow money and the price at which we borrow that money. to restore our economy we should reject the philosophy that has transformed us into a bailout nation. however, there is some who want to further in trying to field a government policy, by crafting a resolution authority or systemic risk regulator which would give the government, government bureaucrats the power to use taxpayer money to prop up certain financial institu