and set ices in ordero preser two parate nsrooms, two parate etorial vces. ey builthat beautil denver pt rockyldingight acrs from the vic cent. perfecplacement. it seemed ke the future was bright for the two papers. they were very optimistic abt the future. but two or tee things happened. ( bagroundews repo ) oh my d. at just ploded. just saanotheplane cong in fromhe side. the send exploon majofinanciainstitutns have teered on t edge of collae. ansome havfailed. ( somb music ) colora went in that recsion lat than the re of the tion anstayed iit longe than theest of t nation. byhe time lorado g out of tharecessio u starteseeing wha call thsecular oblems ofhe newsper indtry. ofhe newsper indusy. music) advertisg on on e web fonewspape has bee a dister. i don't know w i n't undetand tha but looking at, an a a fu page ad a newsper, somew when y're turng the ges of nspaper, yostop andou look at full ge ad. t when y're online when y see thaad, it bothers you e things they ied to d like p ups and althose thgs. i mean, ople couldn stand tt. and adrtisers n't want to offd people that'sot that'not goodd