but it's reality denzell mitchell: i just think it's immoral for there to be such a huge boom around the housing industry. a lot of people made a lot of money. but now all of these people who bought during that period are losing their homes. i teach about social justice issues, human rights issues. i mean, i actually have a class issues in social justice and human rights. let's take a little quiz. and i've been considering talking with my students about the mortgage crisis and what that does. there's a loss of security, you know. there's huge stress. it's terrible. forty thousand, could you bid a 40, i got 37,000, eight, 89. do i hear 40,000? $37,889.99 i need an answer at this time, $37,889.99 once, twice, third and final cal >> let's work -- walk back from the foreclosure auction there on the steps of what? >> courthouse steps, baltimore. and we went, you know, you could -- any day of the week at that time, in early 2008, you could see these guys on the steps selling these houses -- a very long list every morning. so what we did was we went to the auctions and simply drove around b