jjstice department officials say....thhy are coopeeatinn witt congress' inve. investigators... we can't just issue subpoenas and have them totally ignored by the department of jjstice up, thht's the way this ccuntry works and itts totally unaccepte &punacceptable if the &prrsolution issapprrved by tte gop led house....it could ffrce holder to release thousands f pages of doccments related to tte program....lcohol.....tobaccoo.- 3 year old truck driver's life upside down.....jabin bogan was in ee paso trying tt go to phoenix when he accidentally drove into mexico.... the truck wws inspected by mexican officials.....his &ploadd...ammunition for assaul federal prison... (smithh "he said....mamm...im okay but im scared" scared" ((ekenye) "he told me i missed the turn....and from that pointti was with hhi on the phone al the way up to 7:30 that niiht.... night.... bogan has been charged wiih trafficking inn ammuniiion.....aafederal crime in mexico... 3 &p ittstartee out assa really bad dda forrone scared cat.... the caa was spotted on the hiih voltage wires clinging forrits life thursday morning in phoenix arizona.... after the furry adventurer climbed a shhrt way down