they have tele-psychiatry appointments, full-service pharmacy and colorado state department of corrections phil sees, those that don't have a fraction of these amenities and if you believe the hysteria driven squad it's absolutely ridiculous the incitement to violence is not just speculation. in all the targets and the shots that were fired in san antonio, the cocktail throwing at the cis office in florida, and obviously attacked by the antifa in tacoma. if they had fallen on the other side, this would be declared an epidemic in congressional hearings out the walls do of how to prevent the epidemic of violence from continuing. >> you make a great point, i will add one more point about the ice facilities, one consequence of the massive influx, almost 900,000 people who have been apprehended since last october 1, that is not counting apprehended as you know. 600,000 have been caught and released. a huge number that we have to find a place to put them, where are they going, they're going to ice facilities. when i was at the facility in aurora, i was told that 80% of the 1200 are people who ha