this is very common disorders worldwid about five percent of the population suffer from deprotection at one time or another and the united states it is the major disability in people between 15 and 45 years of age. and it is also associated with sort of a loss of interest of what is going on in the world, it is a very devastating disease, bipolar depression involves in addition to the depressive he episodes, episode of mania. and these are almost a mirror image of depression, aeeling ofou can accomplish anything, euphoria, excessive talking, feeling that they are sexually very powerful and often become sexually very active, no need for sleep, and sometimes really engaging in risky behavior, they gets into all sorts of difficulties. about 25 percent of people with uni polar depression also suffer from bipolar depressio fortunaty, we have been able to get .. various treatments of them. one of the most remarkable treatments came from larry burn this ime and i should introduce this as we saw in schizophrenia where a number of the drugs were introduced by accident designed for other purpo