. -- were deproted.ogether with my colleagues, former inmates, i can now be standing before the monument of the victims. i honor the memory of those who did not survive some of those who passed away. >>thank you very much. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen roman kent to take the floor. [applause] >> i am often asked how long i was in auschwitz. my answer is, i do not know. what i do know is that one minute in auschwitz was like an entire day. a day was like a year. a month, an attorney at the. -- an eternity. how many eternities can one person have in a single lifetime? i do not know the answer. this was the war. today, 70 years later for me, a survivor, to forget the arabic experiences -- the horrific experiences even for one moment is impossible. witnessing the atrocities at the entrance gate to auschwitz was more than enough to keep me awake at night until the end of time. it is there, you see the germans welcome and begin to brutalize their guests. they were driven into families. [indiscernible] eve