be clear, the entire premise of today's oh hearing is based on viral loose have been di detected, depunked an bun debunked and discredited. >> this is not a republican issue and it is not a democrat issue. it is a basic test of our humanity and who we are a as a human people. >> my district is a poor district, and large number of my district get their healthcare from planned parenthood. >> supporters point out that abortions account for a small percentage of services it provides. among the witnesses opposed to the organization with two women who survived their mother's attempts to have abortions. >> as a fellow american and fellow human being i deserve the right life to life. the same equal protection under the law as each and we've one of you. that we live in a time that where not only do such protections exist, but my tax dollars and yours go to fund an organization that was created to end my life. >> by law federal money cannot be used for most abortion cases except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. the federal money goes towards annual examines, cancer sc