so, on the evening of november 28, 2010, the new york times, the guardian, and der spiegel published. ( news reports overlapping ) >> smith: it touched every country. it was the biggest story on the planet. of all the files manning is alleged to have leaked, this was the mother lode. >> whoever leaked that information is guilty of treason, and i think anything less than execution is too kind. >> question-- do you believe that actually capturing mr. assange and prosecuting him will send the right kind of signal? >> mr. assange has disclosed this material without regard to the risk that it does generate to real people... >> smith: is there anything good to come out of this in your view? >> no. >> smith: nothing? >> the unauthorized release of 251,000 cables that covers every relationship the united states has with countries around the world has done damage to the national interest of the united states. >> this is a nightmare for us diplomats. >> smith: it was a window never before opened to the public. >> they are highly sensitive documents never meant to be read by the public. >> smith