he has performed this it sounds like. >> let's find out, "right this minute" via skype, we have derek clarkancisco. welcome to the show. >> in the house. >> and you have to tell us how you got into rap. >> it is like behind the music, and i grew up in foster care in alameda county, and my dad was in prison and my mom didn't want me, and dropped me off at a psychiatric hospital and never came back. my brother and sister and good friend was all killed when i was 16 years old. and so i am hanging out, and i see them rapping and i said, oh, my god, i want to be a rapper, and they said, no, dude, you are white. let me step up and battle. it is me and this guy, and he started to talk about my mama and my race and all of the things this he is going to do to do to my girlfriend and i am thinking, this is so cool. there was a station called 107.7 used to have a rap battle contest and i won and i got a production deal working at a studio. then i am shelved and who comes out a couple of years later? eminem, and i'm like, that is me. in 2006 i wrote a song and it was a country song. good night soldier