army colonel, derek harvey, douglas olivett, the former national security council irrakt director for both presidents bush and obama, and our cnn military analyst, retired army lieutenant, general mark hurt ling. the pentagon called this a sustainable campaign. what exactly does that mean? how long could this last? >> wolf, as we saw this begin last night r, i think you will e action by the coalition forces, particularly the next few days, continued strike. this wasn't a one-night affair. they say sustainable, they mean that the bombing is going to continue. there will be other actions, follow-they could strike targets. and we should prepare for it to continue on a very long time. >> well, douglas olivett, you know, a lot of concern out there that the u.s. could be dragged into some sort of quagmire in syria and once again in iraq. what do you think? >> the odds aren't high, we are maintaining our red line and the iraqis' red line, no american boots on the ground that said, we have a good plan, we have here a plan that could work, you but there's no such thing as a military plan that