they are 1-11, and two splits since the break going against the 22-year-old left-hander derek holland last outing, as nick markakis will lead off for the birds. mora and wiggington will follow. on monday again toronto, he went three innings and allowed 10 earned runs on seven hits. and markakis takes high, 1-0, and 2 of those hits were home runs. here is what rick was referring to, the pitching improvement for the rangers this year, as markakis takes a strike. so that is some kind of an ugly line when you look down three innings, 10 earned runs, and one guy takes you deep for a three-run shot, and the other guy takes you deep for a grand value. slam. >>> >> not good. . >> jim: 2-1 pitch to markakis, is bounced towards second base. ian kinsler gets it, one away in the second inning. mors's bat came alive yesterday. >> boy, it did. he haded a home run later on in this ball game. played some possible lass do fence. you see him here making a play, but hurting himself as he dove, but he's pack in the line-up today toughing it up. swings through that to t-2. since