but that changed last fall, when a bipartisan bill, co-sponsored by derek kilmer, who is now a u.s.resentative, passed congress. the legislation, called the american savings promotion act, was signed by president obama in december and announced in a white house press release. advocates are hopeful that the passage of the bill will lead to dramatically more access to prize-linked savings programs across the country and in turn, help boost savings rates. at the end of the day is it really teaching people to be better savers? or is it just teaching them to do this just because you might get a prize? >> so, to-- to some degree this is-- you know, this is inter-- basically intermittent positive reinforcement. as someone saves more money they earn more chances and that's positive reinforcement to save more money. and i think that's a good thing. i mean, we've just gone through some of the most difficult financial years a nation can go through, and so i think there's an appreciation for the value of-- of a tool like this to-- to help people save. >> brangham: today, of course, is super bow