we have derek smith from the department of public health and given him ten minutes to address the board and of course he will be available to answer any questions that you might have. >> there you go. >> good evening, commissioners, derek smith, the department of public health, the tobacco free project and i hope to speak to you on a non-controversial issues the number of sales to tobacco to minors. i have given you some, as well as some that we offer from the department of health. there is a lot to be said and i will spare you that and let you read it. and just a base line to let you know that tobacco is the number one cause of death on earth. since we are talking about the matter of sales of tobacco to mine minors, keeping down the impacts of alcohol use verses tobacco, it is the number one cause of every cancer in fact. additionally there is research that shows to proximity to tobacco is related to youth. and it shows that schools that are surrounded have students that smoke at a higher rate. >> additionally, the sales to minors has decreased, as they introduced a permit ordinance in