the first was from derek smith. we got an update on some of the initiatives of youth and adult smoking, some of the different approaches, pricing approaches, reducing exposure and accessibility. we also got an update on the flavored tobacco ban and some of the enforcement measures there and some additional information as we tackle youth vaping. that presentation is available online if anyone is interested in taking a deeper dive. we also had a presentation on h.i.v. health services, where we looked at a lot of the progress that's been happening in san francisco in these last few years since we heard from them last, with regard to having people obtain and maintain care. we also got an update on the centers of excellence, as well as other progress that's been made, of course acknowledging that there is still a lot of work to be done, particularly with regard to the african-american community, and particularly transgender women of color. that presentation is also available online for anyone who would like to see more.