earlier, we speak with derick becker who told us about the conditions they're facing now. >> we're still seeing some high winds, some rain. we're still seeing flooding in localized areas, and particularly along the coast. we don't want to sound the all clear horn just yet. we want people to remain where they are. heed the warnings from local public safety officials and mond monitor the weather radar. >> did this catch you by surprise? national hurricane center and the national weather service five days ago, south carolina was actually in the direct past of the storm. so we issued a mandatory evacuation for the southern barrier islands on friday. people hideeded the warning. >> a lot of people, when they hear it is downgraded, they think the danger has passed and it sounds like this was a perfect example of how that's not true. >> absolutely. we credit the fact that people took the step ts early to be prepared. we heard from folks as early as last week that they were going ahead and making hotel reservations further inland, because they knew an evacuation order was coming. that's a credit