dermer gets injured badly. they got loose and they end up -- like i said those 70 communities and what we know for sure he was a leader of the biggest and strongest wampanoag community. so they end up there, okay, let's fast track to 1620. pilgrims arriving. they finally settle in what is plymouth today, december, 1620. they had a really bad year that winter. a lot of people died. from what i hear february was good water, it was cleared out already. so massasoit was a two days walk away, 40 miles west of plymouth, pfister island today, he heard about these people building homes. one thing we're used to, we're always used to people coming over -- europeans coming over here, the only thing we weren't used to people coming over and staying, okay. that was different. what made these people different is they brought their women and children and that might have meant a friendlier type of people. still, massasoit didn't know. he probably called over samoset, hey, samoset, come here. you know how to speak english, righ