the white house is strangling by regulation the ability to produce domestic high deron carbons, whether it's oil, whether it's coal or natural gas. we have a serious upside down problem. what do our friends at opec think about it. what do our friends in the arab world think about this? in some respects this is down right insulting for the u.s. to take this anti-hydra carbon view. on what basis? it became the largest economy in the world with the most envied life style in the world on the back of high dro carbons. yes, they are finite. yes they have nasty elements. you don't want to see it, touch it, taste it or smell it. you just want to use it in a confined system. when it gets out of the system, things go nasty very quickly. that doesn't make it suddenly offlimits because the economy requires it. it's the lubecation of -- it's the lubrication. so high prices get a huge adverse reaction from the american people and from their elected officials, understandable. but what's the next step? on the path of our own, ladies and gentlemen, and the heads of opec know this, and the leaders of sov