ok, reserve own a derrick levitan supplies, his ranges with body armor and night vision goggles to help keep them safe. what the syndicates will do to families to get their hands on. horn is frightening property that he's also applied for a gun license. the teams had come poach, they'll bring one gun for the runners, they'll bring 2 guns for us. it is very risky. no arrests had been made in connection with anton's murder. as well as wild life. anton also had a passion for teaching young people about conservation. he said, you know, if i, if our children, if my children don't see the value, the beauty of i don't even have empathy care, compassion, understanding for wildlife. how can i expect him to protect that wildlife? had ro, massey's helping to continue antwan's legacy. and while the films ending has changed, it's message has not. emily anglin, al jazeera had sprayed south africa. now wellington's zoo and new zealand has doubled its population of endangered ring tailed lemurs. following the birth of 4 sets of twins, a number of newborns means the zuka now become part of an internatio