. >>> deshawn powell is currently stuart! stuart! stuart! stuart! ♪ check it out.ing. we can tweet directly toa comcast expert for help. or we can select a time for them to call us back. the future, right? ♪ this doesn't do it for you? [ doorbell rings, dog barks ] oh, that's what blows your mind -- the advanced technology of a doorbell.. [ male announcer ] tweet an expert and schedule a callback from any device. introducing the xfinity my account app. >>> deshawn powell is currently in segregation for having too much influence over his former dorm mates. >> hey, listen, man, come back because they think i've got y'all going bull [ bleep ] in here. >> but he can still communicate with them through the air vent. >> y'all are being silly because i ain't never, man. i know what y'all are doing. i'm telling y'all the truth, and i'm telling y'all to call -- >> though it would appear, in spite of his statements to staff, he ex-herats control over the dorm, but he cannot control the peat downs, which often get more personal than powell would like. >> come on, man, for rea