i'm here with desiree smith who has done work on the heritage the along with developing the report before you. desiree and i will switch on different slides. first of all, i just wanted to provide some background as to why san francisco heritage is taking on this topic, this very complex topic and the need for it. basically we've been faced with reoccurring issues surrounding displacement of heritage businesses and traditional uses in neighborhoods across san francisco threats that a landmark designation is ill equipped to drae. as you well know, you discussed it very recently here with the pdr ordinances, many long time businesses and cultural institutions are placed with displacement and challenges and other factors that threaten long time institutions. i have up on the slide before you examples just a few examples of cultural resources, culturally signature resources that have been threatened with displacement or displaced in recent years due to such factors such as this. we are referring to these types of resources as cultural heritage assets in our reports. what are cultural heritage