beyond 2025 and the first-order with claudio boro, desmond lachman first, then claudio boro, then catherine mann. >> i think there's going to be a hard landing, a financial meltdown, the same mistake we made before, pump it up and have another one of these cycles but i'm concerned there is so much more debt than there was before and so much misallocated that i don't see how we avoid a hard landing. >> claudio boro. >> clearly the big picture is we are facing unprecedented conditions. is paramount for central banks to bring inflation down and they are doing it in a context in which the financial side, the macro linkages in the global economy are going to play a key role. banks are in better shape than they were during the gfci but something goes bad in the non-bank sector it doesn't necessarily stay in that sector. >> catherine mann, you might want to unmute. >> this environment where you have cross-border linkages and they play a very important role central banks are moving for their own reasons in the directions they are but nevertheless the linkages are financed and on the real side, it b