yi yep, they both hung and shot dessed deserters at ft. lowduwdenlowde.aid they had gallos 40 feet high for hanging people at ft. lowden. it's for sure certain they shot people for desertion. now, let me say this, washington insisted they had that power of life and death, but really he didn't like using it. his courts on which he didn't necessarily sit, his courts were harsher than he was. and they condemned more people to death than washington was willing to execute, so washington was -- he wanted that -- he had to have that power of life and death. but yet, he really didn't like using it. something else he was concerned about, he was concerned about the disruptive effect of loose women. for sure about that. so he says, three women are to be allowed each company and provisions drawn for them on condition of their behaving well. and washing for the men. no more women will be allowed to draw provisions. three per company. now as ft. ashby, his captain ashby, captain john ashby, had difficulties with his wife. and washington writes to him, this is really ha