were advised via the city attorney's office that the p.u.c., unlike other agencies, had full destructiodiscretion. that means we can partner and collaborate with the arts commissions, or we could commission them in house, if we wanted to. it's a different type of authority that the p.u.c. has. next slide. we wanted to give you examples of the types of projects that have been supported in partnership with the arts commission. we've had a productive working relationship with the arts commission. they bring to the table a lot of expertise around art that the p.u.c. does not have. here is an example. you may remember it. it was a large spider. it was recognized as the best public art piece the year it was put up. this next piece of work may also be familiar. internally, we would always talk about something outside city hall. this one also received recognition in the public arts arena. next you the big peace sign commemorating the anniversary of the peace sign. as another example of p.u.c.- supported art. the next is a picture of our new headquarters. the relationship we have had with the arts commiss