det eetaon yr wo wnto neat thi ul thb inon te ea begichscr o ead ryo frf tfe me lio th rsa sswhen uph wiou ovheareops os l fi an a fin f ou inle r last t ashano hlw hezeplwt e de s, te tutctoo d ndnsort. sd te in tota thhipi puicngage op s iey abt pubc gagemebar iyoeyes. >>ng a rr pubc gaeavidence isonfence. just e aterun t atttionft s and media and increaseing a warness so building on this conference is something that i hink is tremendous valuable and not just for the nside water community. second, simple public awareness i want to mention because it came out of our experience in california. a number of agencies decided to support, the bill, ab 32, that started because they asked themselves conversation with folks woing n climate issues, if they thought we needed a mantory cap on greenhouse gases, and the answer after it got agreat deal of thought the answer was yes, it's not a silver bullet but it is part of the solution. >> a number of them said why don't you start with sayin that publically. it's not taking opposition on legislatn but that srt of policy statement to the general pu