. -- detext. we support better coordination and cooperation among cos, doj, and all stakeholders, and all expensed for health insurer antifraud and abuse programs should be included as activities that improve healthcare quality, and the medical loss ratio calculation for both commercial health insurers as well as medicare advantage, since they reduce waste, reduce the cost of healthcare and enhance patient safety by helping identify and remove providers engaging in unsafe and fraudulent practices in conclusion i would like to thank the committee for the opportunity to testify today on behalf of wellpoint on this critical issue and pledge our support in any efforts to make the healthcare system financially viable and safer for our members. >> thanks. put this in context. we focus on -- your colleague whose name i believe is pronounced -- [inaudible] >> i'll work on that. i put this in context. our budget deficit is down, down from $1.4 trillion four years ago, so 650 bill. which is $1.4 trillion. a