policbsay tony phillips and detwayne watson are under detwayne watson are under arrest and an 18-year-oldve ç murder and robbery. the shooting victim has been release from the hospital. >> mayor signals she is ready for a tough fight to keep the oakland a's in her city. we are live with the new plans revealed today that the mayor hopes will make the team stay. >> reporter: a lot of a fans want their team to stay in oakland so today the mayor and other leaders reminded them and major league baseball they are work on two possible sites to build a new ballpark bfor the a's. oakland city leaders want to keep their team at home. +%"? the cole such into a sports and entertainment complex. >> entertainment, shopping. >> reporter: similar to the one around the staples center. a second possible site would be near jack london square. >> a site that works on the waterfront. we have a plan to get the ballpark open by 2016 and we just need a party on the other side of the table. >> breporter: a spokesman said our main focus is on building a new ballpark in san jose. 7ñxi@x owners. that gives some fans