there not whispering in cafes at the moment they are out on the streets without shouting devarim which means revolution and who commands. the government must resign and they are shouting this at the tops of their voices the people are so happy with this idea i don't know what's going to happen but they were just like the moment the whole street sort of is. are occupied by people and they've set up stalls where they're giving away free food there are being songs there are being lessons and things like that. it's going to take a lot for this to be cleared up of the moment of the moment edouard is on hold and not on a holiday sort of his visiting africa morocco or something of them is coming back tomorrow as it was something he said i want this cleared up by the time i get back but i think it was very little or nothing airports around the didn't how it should come into the country himself and well i don't think it's going to go there this is it's a go ahead go ahead jump in there you know this is exactly this is exactly the point you know here you have a prime minister who has done so so