i went onto my assignment in fort devens and i was there a short time. and being the new guy, this always happens in the army. i stayed in the army for years but being in the army, the new guy coming into the unit, the unproven guy generally gets the details that other people do not want. and if they call for people, send me so many privates or sergeants, they are going to be the one to go. i understood that. being a new person, when they called to build a new battalion, the general called for more troops because the north korean army was advancing southward rapidly. he did not have enough forces to stop them. at the time, the army began to build quickly these provisional battalions. and i was fortunate enough to be a member of the first provisional battalion from fort devens, massachusetts, in july. 1950. having just arrived from germany and having infantry training they wanted infantry people. so i was one of the "lucky" ones because i was one of the first ones moved to the provisional battalion. when i first reported to the new unit, i was assigned to