of course we have our aviator retention task force, general dewey everhart put this together last year in may. look at it -- six lines of effort. and you'll recognize these and have heard them before. improve communication between the pilots and the families. additional duty reductions. fly-only track. we can talk about that a little bit. protect the white space. families, can we seek accommodations with assignments, we're working hard at that. and deployment. can we reduce the non-command 365 by 20%? we're going after that. my focus is going around and visit the wings. i've been in the job ten days, so i have yet to do that, but i'll get out and hit all the wings in the next couple of months. it's to talk about the meaningful conversation about the value of serving this country and the value of making a difference. that's where we're going to make the difference. thank you. >> thank you, ma'am. captain graham? >> thank you. first i want to tell you how much i -- i'm honored to be on this panel. i do have to question a little the security screening because a naval aviator was able to s