the bill would strengthen information sharing between dhs thethe fbi, by requiring inclusion of immigration violators, give state and local law enforcement immigration powers, law also requiring the government -- a biographical and other identifying information about the immigration to federal authorities. and make clear guidelines for custody transfer from a state or local agency to the federal government. we commend you for the introduction of this bill, we thank you very much. the bill does not negate that immigration or force meant that enforcement is a -- too few criminal aliens are deported each year and priorities for deportation are narrow. some kernel aliens, otherwise subject to removal, and up back in our communities. for lack of travel documentation or bureaucratic excuses. year, theof this arizona sheriffs association issued a statement highlighting three violent criminal aliens released by ice, despite convictions of crimes including aggravated assault, kidnapping and perjury. these are violent crimes and criminals that should be deported, not allowed to terrorize neighborhood