commissioner burlison stated and i quote that there is more than tension and friction between cbpia and dhsiog. so between customs and border and department of homeland security. there was outright confrontation in an unacceptable situation. that's the end of the quote. the fact that both part of one department of homeland security had to enter into a memorandum of understanding in the first place for oig to perform a function that sta statute ril belongses to that office raises some grave kernz. has the inclusion of cbpia employee as required by that memorandum improved that cooperation at all? even though we had to do that to get there, has that improved the situation? >> thank you, senator, for the question. august 11th of last year, i signed the mou with commissioner burlison. i can assure you that we have taken every step to work closely in a number of my offices i have cbpi agents working closely jointly with us on cases. there is absolutely no turf battle. oig, cbp and i.c.e., we're all working together because this is not just a dhs problem. this is a problem for the entire nation. we