not be here today emphasizing the important role that acc plays in preparing for and responding to di sasers. sasers. in addition i have numerous letters, together we represent thousands and thousands of dog owners and guardians and we all urge you to support this budget proposal and support animal care and control. it's underfunded and understood staffed and has been for years. the most perezing pressing things get done. there's so much more they could be doing if properly staffed and funded. i'd like to add in addition to what was mentioned is that the acc's budget include monoe money for a part-time hearing officer for dog court that deals with cases involving dog bites and aggressive dogs. over the years the unit in the hearing officer have developed broad community support because of the fair and compassionate way they deal with dog owners and victims all the time. all the while they keep public safety foremost in minds. [inaudible] just like to remind you this really isn't just about animals. as is mentioned people who abuse animals often neglect and abuse spouses and children. not jus