w need new drug and we needti better diacs, but it is possible if we have the political will. >> sreenivasan: when she paid a visit to sifumba's medical school, the younger woman was moved to join the fight. >> dalene was sharing her story, and i couldn't relate to her life or anything like that, but i could relate to the side effects that she had had. i could relate when dalene spoke about rejection, i could relehe when s spoke about stigma. asan: in june of 2018, the south african government officially replaced the injectables with bedaquline. sifumba rejoiced. >> i felt like, for the first time, they were listening to our cry. >> sreenivasan: after completing treatment, she went on to finish medical school. >> i'm that one intern who's like, "oh, you've got m.d.r.! you know i h m.d.r.?" and they're like, "what?" i'm like, "yeah, but you know, i know it's difficult, but you're going to make it through." >> sreenivasan: despite the severe side effects, both zolelwa sifumba and dalene von delft survived the grueling treatment. for future m.d.r. patients, better options are finally more avail