. >> elon musks, the jeff bezos, the paul allens, myself, diamandis, all of us who are in this cause right now, i believe, come from a place of hope and possibility. >> rick tumlinson is the ceo of deep space industries, one of two asteroid mining companies in the us. >> several of us were sitting in the room, it was about 1986, 1987. we pledged our lives and fortunes to making the human breakout into space happen in our lifetimes. we called it the benevolent conspiracy. well, that same group of people are still involved today and we're making it happen. >> what will tomorrow look like? our world is at our limits at yet we all want more. and why not? why shouldn't the future be better than today? >> but he prime directive of all these companies that you name seems to be profits. but the way you speak about it is like this... >> no buck, no buck rogers. nobody stays until somebody pays. it can be you the taxpayer, and that's wonderful, thank you very much. but the day that you get bored and turn away, nothing's going to happen after that. i, we, have to figure out a way to make it pro