right now with tips on how to reduce the 2013 tax bill by acting before the end of the year is diana rosada. thank you for being here. >> great to be here. >> we may forget there's a couple of weeks left to affect the 2013 bill, and this year is important. what are the biggest changes? >> there have been a lot of changes, particularly for higher-income earners. one great -- one important then to think about, though, a lot you can do right at this time. a great way to offset the -- it's been a banner year in the stock market, and if you wanted to sell some of your securities, one great way to offset the gains is to find some of the stocks that you haven't done well on, sell those, and it's a very effective -- find your losers, may be harder this year to find the losers, but very effective deduction, because it's dollar-for-dollar offset on the gains. >> what about other things we can be doing, like charitable deductions? >> right, this is the time of year people are naturally thinking about it, but you get a tax deduction. if you are donating more than $250, keep the receipts, because get au