diana schaub, the last word is to you. our friend colin thibeault says some of lincoln speeches are famous for being very short. was that intentional and does that impact his rhetorical intention and constitutional ideas? your thoughts on his shortness as we close this wonderful program. >> yes, and i think i don't have much time left to answer this. so i will try to be as brief as lincoln. yes, he acquires this gift for brevity and you see it especially in the gettysburg and the second inaugural. i think it's very deliberate on his part. part of it, especially in the gettysburg address, i think is he hoped it would be memorized by americans. so my suggestion is that we all commit both the gettysburg address and the second inaugural to memory. >> what a wonderful challenge, and friends, let's take up diana schaub'challenge. and if you succeed in memorizing either the gettysburg address or the second inaugural, then write to me and jay rosen at constitutional center dot org and let me know! i will send you a congratulations