we look for to the inaugural event with diane diprima. thank you very much, and have a great day. great day. [stomach rumbles] vincent: sounds like you could use some van goghgurt. it's fortified with arts-rich nutrients to improve your math and reading skills... catch! boy: van goghgurt...thanks. so what's the deal with your ear? vincent: always with the ear, huh... announcer: feed your kids the arts. for ten simple ways to learn how, visit americansforthearts.org you are so lost. no, i'not, man. dude! i dropped my phone. oh, the road! whoa. yeah. you know what i'm saying. how would you like to save your life from an ugly reckless driving death? don't answer yet, there's more! act now by slowing down and we'll guarantee you complete satisfaction! kids: that's awesome! announcer: in the real world... passenger: whoa, andy, slow down!