diane eastabrook reports. >> reporter: if you're looking for signs the economy's recovering, you'll find them in elkhart county, indiana where 70% of the nation's recreational vehicles are built. jayco, the nation's third largest r.v. maker, is building twice as many trailers and motor homes as it did a year ago. it's also hiring back many of the workers it furloughed during the recession. marketing director sid johnson calls his business a good economic indicator. >> our customers, while conservative, are also the type of people who can afford to do things that they want to do for their family. and so when there's an upturn, even in anticipation of a general economic upturn, they begin buying again. >> reporter: this corner of indiana has traditionally been a barometer of sorts for the overall economy because it tends to lead the rest of the nation into and out of recession. the most recent downturn started here in the spring of 2008 when gas prices took off and the housing market tanked. those two factors caused the r.v. industry to collapse. as a result, r.v. makers like jayco, damon,