it's one thing when the first us group that came out calling for diane feinsteindemanding justice which is this group approached to trumps nominees and it's a relatively new group . when you have this person, this major group and kind of the democratic coalition stepping up to call for his resin resignation that becomes verytough . so i think even if democrats win back the white house and senate, it's not going to be peachy keen. there's going to be a lot of internal divisions and arguments that we haven't even begun to see and we are starting to now with the turmoil over feinstein. >> this is alex bolton's story on the hill website, you can see it in the reporter for the publication and thank you for your time this morning . >> accu. >> joining us, the president of judicial watch is thompson, he serves as the president of judicial here to talk about issues of the russian investigation . >> thanks for having me. >> remind viewers about the purpose of your organization and tell our viewers how you are funded. >> judicial watch is wfunded through voluntary donations from the ame