people of all colors and of all ages and the san francisco board of supervisors and even mayor diane feinstine supported a rent control law in the city of san francisco. as that was popular, the real estate industry went to sacramento and passed costa hawkins, which was sweeping in its pre 'emion of local government's ability to the exact question you are asking to a single-family homeowner, none of this means anything, right. because if you live in your home, you are really not effected by costa hawkins or by rent control but relative to the community and the stability of the community and surrounding neighborhoods that have a mix of tenants and rental properties, having rent control is a lifeline to the most vulnerable communities and communities of more means. particularly in a time when i have to say as a small landlord, it is, when i see what you can rent a unit for, i mean, it's almost embarrassing. these are windfalls that are being made by small property owners, large property owners. if costa hawkins was repealed the kind of internet stance that supervisor kim addressed we could be de