i was surprised that there were so little compassion. >> that was diane foley, the mother of james foleyho was beheaded last year. this has shown a rift between the families and the government. you are saying yours is not an issue of ransom. but are you feeling the same -- the other issues that have raise now, as families come together is a lack of information they get from the government. marc, what are your thoughts on what the government is doing? is austin part of this, the case of your son austin tice, part of this review that president obama has called for? >> yes, it is. and we have been given the opportunity to participate in the review. we are very gratified that president obama recognized there are problems with the way the hostage situations in the families of hostages are dealt with. yes, we have felt that. clearly, there are issues around sharing information with the families. i our dimension that. there are issues internally the government among agencies and departments and how effectively and efficiently information is shared -- >> were you ever threatened the way diane fo