diane hendrix from beloit cofounded 5.0 and i was interested in the local economic development effortas been like. rock county 5.0 was supposed to be going for five years and it's still going and they been trying very hard to bring businesses to town. i tried to get inside their perspective on what they thought they should be doing to help the community. bob boardman was here today is part of the story. bob was in the job center which was ground zero for where people went when they lost their work. bob taught me a lot about what kind of options were available, what kind of funding there was for retraining people tried to help people find jobs so, bob's perspective was a valuable one and in scene who comes in when people don't have work anymore and what their options are and what their options aren't and how hard it is to get back on your feet even when you're trying as hard as you can. i also write about a woman named and is a social worker in the janesville school system. she works lives in beloit but she's the cofounder of something called project 1649 that some of you probably know