you this deep into your career, still doing collaborations with people like gerald albright and diane reeveoney james and doctor john. the co-lab rative process is joyful in what ways? >> it's joyful in that there's another point of view on all things, you know? not just mine. that's why i like to write and collaborate with people. there's another point of view. when those two things come together and people work at it really hard, they get something that is the sum is more -- the whole is more than the sum of it. that's how you say that? the whole is more than the sum of the parts. it's something new and fresh. that's what i love about the collaborations to write or to sing. hey, me and earl did something that -- >> amazing. >> and the quiet of the wake. i keep enjoying that as a process throughout my life. it's the joy, tavis, in waking up going here i am, thank you father. i'm not running 1,000 miles an hour anymore. my 100 meter times are not the same. [ laughter ] >> but, here i am and i got this song to sing and i got the people who like hearing me sing it. what does maya angelou say?