>> well, diane schuler case definitely haunted us but we couldn't really -- there was a disconnect between this cable executive who was raising two kids, seemingly had it all together and then, according to police reports, was drunk and high when she crashed her car. and when we looked into it, looked into addicts in general, what we learned is that many adds i can't hide a secret. they seem like they have it all together, but actually, inside, they're dying and they're also in trouble because they're responsible for kids. >> how prevalent -- >> this is a big -- >> how prevalent is this? how many families, how many kids come in contact with moms who are facing alcoholism? >> there are 1 in 4 kids whose parent is an alcoholic and the problem is actually on the rise in terms of women. twice as many women are turning to alcohol over the last decade and we see the abuse of prescription medication quadrupling, so these are both on the rise. >> according to i don't remember reporting, that is amazing, 1 in 4. that's very interesting. stephanie, you have formed an online group for moms who are al